Click HERE to download the complete report in PDF format that has correct formatting for the number related reports.

Well, 6 months have passed since our spectacular 175th Celebration.  We wanted to create a final newsletter and review of the all the success we had.

We want to thank everyone for all of their hard work to make it such a success.  

First, thanks to all of the group leaders for organizing and managing all of the booths and activities we had during the weekend.  This was no easy feat.  Everyone put in lots of hours planning and setting up for the event.  Not to mention the long hot days and late nights / early mornings.  All of the booths, events, entertainment and activities are what made our event so successful.  THANK YOU!

Thanks to all workers.  We couldn’t have done this without you!  Each of the booths, events, entertainment and activities needed all of the workers to make them GO.  Again, thank you for the long hot days, late nights and early mornings.  THANK YOU!

Thank you to the local families and businesses that allowed us to use your property for everything from fireworks, to parking, to storage, and even to the use of your facilities.  THANK YOU!

Finally, a big THANK YOU to all of the businesses, organizations and families that donated to the event.  These funds paid for all of the advertising, entertainment and general needs.  Not to mention, they contributed straight to the bottom line profit.  We couldn’t have had our celebration without your support.  THANK YOU!

Now for some fun facts from the weekend:

MERCHANDISE SOLD:  Profit for $5,786.93 (over 3 years)                                      


244        Straw hats

118        Baseball caps (Men’s & Women’s)

53          Visors

92          Meshback Caps

39          Ear Warmers (2 styles)



816        Centennial T-shirts (red, gray, blue)

96          Polo Shirts (Men’s & Women’s)

131        Hooded Sweatshirts

82          ¼ Zip Pullover Shirts

69          Crewneck Sweatshirts



79          Bourbon Glasses

97          Stemless Wine Glasses

160        Water Bottles (various colors)

114        Polar Cups (Silver & Black)

86          Shot Glasses



391        175th 2019 History Books

234        175th Perpetual Calendar Books

110        150th 1993 History Books



197        License plates

750        Huggies (sold out on Friday)

130        Decks of Playing Cards

442        Ornaments (all styles)

90          Suspenders

57          Vests

50          Canes

15          Postcards

31          Envelopes



600        Huggies

423        2017 Green T-shirts

337        2016 Blue T-shirts

290        2015 Red T-shirt

FOOD:  Profit $34,162.58                                          

Main Food Stand:                                                      Drinks:

Friday Night                770 Plates                               Water                          300 cases

Saturday Night            945 Plates                               Soft Drinks                  175 cases

                                                1715 Plates Total                    Capri Suns                   310 pcs.

Hamburger Stand:

Hamburgers                3200 pcs          800lbs.

Brats                            650 pcs            163lbs.

Tenderloins                 975                  366lbs.

Ribeye Steaks              815      306 lbs.

Turkey Tenders           480      408 lbs.

BEER GARDEN:           Profit $28,875.00

Thursday         2393 Cans       122 cases (approx.)

Friday              9379 Cans       390 cases (approx.)

Saturday          5147 Cans       214 cases (approx.)

Sunday             693 Cans         29 cases (approx.)

TOTAL:            17,612 Cans    755 cases (approx.)

Gaming - Raffle and quilts had a profit of $9781.93.

Car Show - 112 cars participated in car show - $897.00 profit

Car Cruise - 46 cars in the cruise, 80 people, 100+ for hayride after cruise - $200.00 profit

5K - 178 Runners - $679.00 - profit

Antique Tractor Show - 214 Tractors – A Dubois County Centennial record!

Hot Air Balloons: 148 riders

Zipline, Rock Wall, Inflatables - 437 participants 

Dodgeball Tourney - 24 teams


With all income and expenses, we made a total profit of $97,502.55 in 2019We continue to get income from sale of merchandise and books.  A full financial statement can be given, upon request. 

 Adding the 2018 profit to the account balance from pasts fests, we were able to distribute $151,917.78!

 As we discussed distribution of profits with people throughout the community, we felt the best impact was to support all community organizations now and also provide for the future of Celestine.  Our group felt the Celestine Community Club is the one organization that supports all other community organizations.  Thus, we gave the largest portion to it, followed by the Celestine Park, Celestine Volunteer Fire Department, St. Isidore Parish, and Good Shepherd of the Hills K of C Council.  Other groups were also awarded various amounts. 

 Finally, we felt establishing an endowment to support the needs of the town and people of Celestine will provide for the future.  Through Dubois County Community Foundation, we created an endowment benefiting Celestine. The agreed upon amount was $25,000.  The foundation provided an additional $5000 towards this endowment, for a total of $30,000.  This endowment will provide grants to groups and projects in Celestine for years to come.  Since the endowment has been created, we the members of the community can individually contribute the endowment to continue its growth.  As part of the endowment, Community of Celestine Inc., the parent organization of the 175th and Streetfest, will need a 3-person committee to administer the grant monies annually.  The first grant funds will be available Jan 2020.   We are looking for 2 committee members for the endowment management committee.

We also created a pass-through agreement with Dubois County Foundation to manage $5,000 dollars set aside for startup for the 200th Celebration of Celestine in 2043.

Below is the final breakdown for how the money was distributed:  The first number is how much each group was paid and what percentage of the complete distribution this was.

Girl Scouts 15% Returned

$        413.00


Operating Balance for Streetfest 2019

$     7,670.78


Celestine Endowment Opening Donation

$ 25,000.00


200th Celebration Startup

$     5,000.00



$     1,519.00


Grace Co-op

$        760.00


St. Vincent DePaul

$        760.00



$        400.00



$        350.00


Youth Group

$     1,519.00


St. Anne's

$        760.00


St. Celestine Cemetery

$     7,500.00


Good Shepherd of the Hills Knights of Columbus

$ 10,634.00


St. Isidore Parish

$ 10,634.00


Celestine Fire Dept

$ 24,307.00


Celestine Park

$ 24,307.00


Celestine Community Club

$ 30,384.00



$ 151,917.78


As everyone can see, the Celestine 175th Celebration was a HUGE success.  All of the proceeds have been given back to the community for today’s needs and future growth.  Thank You Everyone for your hard work and support of the Celestine 175th Celebration. 

As we move forward, the Community of Celestine Inc. will continue to operate the Celestine Streetfest with profits being distributed annually to the community.  Please continue to show your support so we can see Celestine grow and prosper. 

Thank you,

Celestine 175th Executive Committee

Chad Schnell
Christine Sander
Jason Merkel
Chris Bieker
Joni Hopf
Kelly Goephrich
Tom Heeke