
Please join us for the Streetfest 2021 Wrap Up, Review & Celebration meeting on Wednesday, August 11th at 7pm at Celestine Park.

Streetfest 2021 was a BIG success. At this meeting we will exchange notes and document what worked great and any possible improvements. We will talk about the future of the fest and confirm that the groups who make it happen want it to continue.

There will be free pizza and drinks for anyone who attends.

We ask a few people from each stand/area to attend. If possible please bring a copy of your workers list.

We will have a tentative financial report to review.

Anyone interested in the fest is encouraged to attend and get involved. There are several areas that need more help. We ask all of the main organizations to make sure they have a representative in attendance.

Please contact Tony Buechler 812.827.8430 if you have things to be on the agenda of the meeting.

We ask that each of the main organizations that play major roles (and will receive future distributions from the profits) have one or two members on hand to take notes and report back to their organizations.
Celestine Community Club
Celestine Park
Knights of Columbus
Northeast Dubois PTO
Celestine Volunteer Fire Department
St. Isidore Parish